May 9, 2011

Today is our day!

As Salam,

Venue: McD Petaling Jaya Old Town (both of us did part time job there)
Time: afternoon
Date: 9th May 2007
Events: our 1st meet n our 1st anniversary
Duration of relationship: 4 years
Save the date of our wedding: 2012 ( x sure the exact date or month)..insyaAllah~

“For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake.” ~Alfred Hitchcock


Loving Pair

It takes two special people,
To make a loving pair.
There’s a joy just being around you,
A feeling I/we love to share.

We send anniversary wishes to you,
For years of joy and pleasure.
May each year keep getting better,
With memories to treasure.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

p/s: this is just a day to remember and motivate us, to move on to the next step~


ct cucubi said...


Aleen Aiden said...

mak aih,kek tu nampak mabeles giler...hu3
btw congratulations 4 both of u.. ^_^

Unknown said...

k.kerol: hehehehe~

aleen aiden: mmg dh hbs..huhu..thanks aleen..

eikindabest said...

yea2 syaz nak kawen. alhamdulillah. nak kena amek berkat ni ;p

Unknown said...

alhamdulillah nie perancangan 4 thn lepas..doakan ye~